Coffee Brewing Methods


  • All demos are postponed due to COVID-19 until further notice.


Pour over coffees are usually deliciously crisp and light bodied. The filter strains out a lot of the fines (that silty cloud you occasionally find in the bottom of your cup) and lets the coffee really sing. Because of the delicacy of the extraction each note in the coffee is laid out in relief.

More than that, the ritual and ceremony of carefully pouring your hot water over the coffee, spiraling in and out and stopping at the precise moment of completion makes for excellent brunch-side table theater.

RECIPE Parameters: Coffee: 28g (≈ 3.5tbs) Filtered Water: 400g at 200°-205°F (≈ 60 seconds off-boil) Grind: Medium fine (resembles fine sand) Time: ≈3:30 total Equipment: An Able Kone A Chemex, V60, or other compatible rig to hold the Kone A vessel to brew into A scale that measures to the

RECIPE Parameters: Coffee: 28g (≈ 3.5tbs) Filtered Water: 400g at 200°-205°F (≈ 60 seconds off-boil) Grind: Fine (resembles table salt) Time: ≈ 2:30 total Equipment: A large Hario V60 A large Hario V60 filter A vessel to brew into A scale that measures to the gram and a timer, like

RECIPE Parameters*: Coffee: 40g (≈ 5tbs) Filtered Water: 4 cups Grind: Medium Fine (resembles fine sand) Time: ≈5:00 total Equipment: A BonaVita Coffee Maker A Melitta #4 paper filter Cold filtered water A scale that measures to the gram and a timer, like the Hario Drip Scale/Timer Freshly ground coffee from Insight Coffee Roasters Preparation: Warm the BonaVita carafe with hot water.

Full Immersion

Full Immersion methods are probably the simplest and most repeatable. Pouring technique is straightforward and then it is a matter of timing. The coffee and the water are allowed to interact for a set amount of time, and then separated. The most common method is a French Press, but we’d also like to introduce you to the less common Immersion Dripper, which is almost like a hybrid of a French Press and Pour-over.

All house coffees served in our cafe are made using French Press — this brew method is a great baseline for all coffees, giving a simple and unadulterated view into the character of a coffee.


Pressurized brew methods add an extra variable to the usual combination of grounds, water and time. You guessed it — pressure. The most common version of this method is espresso itself. The other variables are still relevant, but now the interaction takes place in a sealed vessel under pressure. The pressure accelerates the extraction of the coffee and changes the character of your cup.

Aside from espresso, one of our favorite ways to use pressure to brew coffee is using the incredibly simple Aeropress (to give you an idea of how fun and techy this method is remember that it was invented by the same people who brought you the Aerobie (aka the incredible flying disc)).